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Help the Cause(s)

We are just starting to build out this page to help you find other organizations that are fighting Jew Hatred, and/or help promote the Republican Party.  We welcome any links to organizations you think we should add:  Click Here to submit links.

Fighting Antisemitism:

The North Carolina Coalition for Israel (NCCI) is a group of diverse, grassroots, action-oriented advocates for Israel and the Jewish people. "We actively engage with our community to illuminate contributions of the Jewish state, which make the world a better place. We fight anti-Semitism with vigor and passion, directly calling out anti-Israel bias and prejudice."

End Jew Hatred.   The name of the group says it all.

Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel.   We appreciate them!

The October 7th Coalition.  We NEED Christians to help fight Jew Hatred, and this is a great organization aligned with us.  Show appreciation!   Fighting Jew Hate, and much more.

The ZOA speaks out for Israel – in reports, newsletters, and other publications. In speeches in synagogues, churches, and community events, in high schools and colleges from coast to coast.

Christians United for Israel:  Another great Christian group.

Council of Musilims Against Antisemitism.  We also need Muslims to help us fight, and this organization does just that.

Supporting the Republican Party

Spread the word on the Republican Party Platform.  Read it by clicking here.


Do a Google search of "Republican Party in [your state or town]" for the state/town you live in to find local groups and ways you can connect.  Also try Googling for "Republican Groups" and "Conservative groups."


The Republican National Committee:  Supports Republican candidates and initiatives and has links to ways you can help.

The Republican Jewish Coalition:  Fostering & Enhancing Ties Between the American Jewish Community & Republican Lawmakers.

© 2024 #JEXIT #TOGETHERWEARESTRONGER | JEXIT, INC. is a 501c4 Florida, Nonprofit Educational Organization.

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